摘 要
系统是基于Windows XP操作系统,采用JSP开发,并使用SQL SERVER 2000数据库来实现。
Design and Implementation of Online Teaching Quality Evaluation System
The online teaching quality evaluation system can collect the data of teaching work conveniently and comprehensively, offer the score results of online teaching evaluation by teachers and students, collect the information of teaching evaluation from different fields fast, enable the administrative department to find out about teaching development and teachers' situation in time, offer relevant decision support to the teachers of educational administration, offer the scientific basis of teaching work quality for the thing that the professional title is commented and engaged , reduce the work load for the teachers of educational administration at the same time .
The users of this system are divided into three kinds that include student, teacher and administrator. Students may select the lesson and give a score, make comments to the teacher on Internet; the teacher can look over the results and comments of the teaching evaluation and evaluate teaching quality of other teachers. The administrator can inquire the comment information and look over teacher's billboard and type the results at the same time. Inquire that can be showing different inquiry results according to different condition of inquiring, at the same time; it can show different results according to the statistics request.
The system is based on Windows XP operation system, adopt JSP to develop languages, the database is SQL SERVER 2000.
key words: teaching;evaluation of teaching;statistics;database;JSP
目 录
1 引 言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 目的意义 1
2 开发工具、技术简介及运行环境 1
2.1 开发工具简介 1
2.1.1 sql server2000简介 1
2.1.2 Tomcat 简介 1
2.1.4 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC简介 2
2.2 开发技术简介 2
2.2.1 JSP简介 2
2.2.2 SQL简介 3
2.3 运行环境 3
2.3.1 软件准备 3
2.3.2 环境变量的配置 3
2.3.3 测试默认服务器 4
2.3.4 测试项目 4
3 需求分析 4
3.1系统功能设计 4
3.2 系统设计思想 4
3.3 数据库分析 5
3.3.1 数据库需求分析 5
3.3.2 数据库概念结构 5
3.3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 6
4总体设计 7
4.1系统功能设计 7
4.2 系统功能图 7
4.3 系统功能流程图 8
5 详细设计和实 8
5.1 系统页面主体设计 8
5.2 数据操作类 9
5.3 学生界面及其基本功能的实现 12
5.3.1 学生登录 12
5.3.2 个人信息显示 12
5.3.3 网上选课 12
5.3.3 网上评教 14
5.3.4 更改密码和退出 15
5.4 教师页面及基本功能的实现 16
5.4.1 评分查看 16
5.4.2 留言查看 17
5.5 管理员页面及其基本功能的实现 18
6 系统测试 19
6.1学生评教功能测试 20
6.2教师查看评分和留言功能测试 20
6.3 管理员统计功能测试 21
结 论 22
参考文献 22
致 谢 23
声 明 24
1 引 言
1.1 课题背景