摘 要
根据前几个阶段的分析和设计,本系统在设计方面采用B/S模式,同时使用JSP技术进行基本页面的设计与功能实现,后台数据库选用SQL Server 2000数据库。
关键词 汽车;管理系统;JSP;
This paper using the top-down structured system analysis method, this paper expounds the function of the overall car sales management development process, operation process and some of the core technology. This paper first on the description of project, introduced the project development background, the purpose of the project development and the significance of developing project; The next stage is system planning, through the actual business process of the investigation and research, and the analysis of system structure, specific completed the system demand analysis, feasibility analysis, the current business process analysis, and through to the current business process optimization, concludes that the system of business process; After the system analysis, specific completed the data flow analysis and data dictionary; System design phase is completed the function module and database design and system interface design. This phase of the function of each module of the detailed design, formed the system function module chart, on the basis of the choice of appropriate development mode; The first database design the concept structure design, on the logical structure after design, finally completed the design of database table。
According to former several stages of the analysis and design, this system in the design on the B/S mode, use at the same time JSP technology of basic pages design and function realization, choose the backend database SQL Server 2000 database。
Keywords Car,Management system,JSP
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
1.3 系统设计思想 1
1.4 本文的结构 2
第2章 可行性分析 3
2.1 业务流程图 3
2.2 经济可行性 5
2.3 技术可行性 5
2.4 运行可行性 5
2.5 本章小结 6
第3章 需求分析 7
3.1 汽车销售管理系统需求分析 7
3.2 数据流图 7
3.3 本章小结 8
第4章 总体设计 9
4.1 系统模块总体设计 9
4.2 数据库设计 12
4.2.1 数据分析 12
4.2.2 数据库的详细设计 12
4.3 本章小结 17
第5章 详细设计与实现 18
5.1 系统运行平台设置 18
5.2 运行环境 18
5.3 开发工具及技术简介 18
5.3.1 开发工具简介 18
5.3.2 技术简介 19
5.4 系统登录设计 20
5.5 各功能设计与实现 21
5.1.1 汽车信息管理设计与实现 21
5.1.2 员工信息管理设计与实现 22
5.1.3 客户信息管理设计与实现 22
5.1.4 公告信息管理设计与实现 23
5.1.5 销售模块设计与实现 24
第6章 系统测试与性能分析 25
6.1 软件测试 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27