摘 要
针对邮件验证系统过程中存在的问题 ,采用PHP语言设计开发了基于ThinkPHP架构的邮件验证系统。本系统具有代码简洁、逻辑结构清晰、安全性高、可扩展性强等优点。使用该系统极大地提高了邮件的验证管理工作的效率。由于网络中邮件验证系统繁多、业务需求多变,基于各邮件服务器的邮件验证系统的维护和业务变更变得难以进行。为了极大地方便上网用户,系统使用了B/S技术来进行开发,避免了原有的C/S结构开发所带来的弊端。并且将E-mail系统和Web应用结合起来,用户仅通过浏览器访问邮件系统即可。本邮件系统的基本功能包括:用户登录、通讯录管理、邮件收取、邮件发送、查看邮件、邮件的管理功能。
关键词:邮件验证系统; ThinkPHP框架; MVC; Struts2
Currently, there are too many E-mail Management System, and too many business changing requirements, which results of E-mail Management System maintenance and operations become difficult to change. In order to greatly convenient of Internet users, the E-mail Management System used the B/S technology to carry on the development, which has avoided the malpractice of the traditional C/S structure. And combining the E-mail Management System and the Web application, then user can visit E-mail Management System just by opening the browser. The E-mail Management System basic function: the user registers, address list management, receiving the mail, sending the mail, reading the mail, mail management function.
In this paper, it firstly begins with the software architecture patterns, and then constructs an E-mail Management System which supports the basic functions, such as sending and receiving email,managing emailbox, next add the extension. On the basis of introducing Struts2 architecture and MVC structure, the paper discusses how to use these technologies and frameworks of JAVA to build a flexible, practical online teaching platform by ThinkPHP development tool. The main advantages of this structure are as follows, it solves the problems of maintainability and extendibility in traditional website systems; it enables users to more easily grasp and use this system.
This mail management system functions are divided into administrator and user management of two parts, the administrator management includes management of user information, delete users, etc.; The user management includes user personal information management, personal mailbox management. The system can be extended and improved based on functional requirements.
Key Words:E-mail Management System; ThinkPHP; MVC; Struts2
目 录
目 录 3
1. 绪论 6
1.1 选题背景 6
1.2 课题意义 6
1.3 课题的研究内容 6
1.4 论文的组织结构 7
2. 相关工具与技术介绍 8
2.1 系统开发的工具 8
2.1.1 ThinkPHP框架 8
2.1.2 SQL sever 2005 8
2.1.3 B/S架构编程体系 8
2.2 系统开发的技术 9
2.2.1 MVC理论基础 9
2.2.2 Struts2框架技术 11
3. 系统需求分析 13
3.1 用户需求 13
3.1.1 系统功能需求 13
3.1.2 用户端特性 14
3.1.3 运行环境需求 14
3.1.4 性能需求 14
3.1.5 软件属性需求 15
3.2 数据描述 15
3.2.1 数据字典 15
3.3 系统的总体设计 17
3.3.1 系统设计思想 17
3.3.2 系统模块说明 17
4. 数据库设计 18
4.1 概念结构设计 18
4.2 逻辑结构设计 18
5. 系统详细设计 20
5.1 系统模块总设计思想 20
5.2 登录管理模块 20
5.2.1 登录模块 20
5.2.2 系统主界面设计 21
5.2.3 会员模块 23
6. 系统测试 25
6.1 系统测试目的 25
6.2 系统测试方法 26
6.3 测试用例及分析 26
6.3.1 登录模块测试 26
6.4 本章小结 28
7. 总结与展望 29
7.1 本文总结 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31
引 言