摘 要
关键词:菜谱网站 vue 查询 SSM mysql
With the continuous progress of the information society, the rapid development of economy and scientific and technological workers, the network has become the main platform in the new century, people pay more and more attention to life and diet. Menu website management system is designed for food lovers to share recipes, cooking exchange friends. The traditional meeting or telephone exchange of information can not meet the needs of people who like to cook, so we developed and designed a recipe website, which contains rich and colorful content, including cooking skills and food search, and has online ordering function to realize the popularity of online recipes.
The task of this project is to use some new technologies to develop a complete set of recipe website management system. This system is a B / S structure recipe website management system developed on the platform of windows 10, using SSM framework and Vue technology to realize the H5 page function of mobile phone, and using MySQL database management system as background database. In terms of function, the system is relatively complete. The system interacts with users with web interface to provide information for users and accept their operation. At the same time, it stores information data through database management system to realize the functions of recipe website management system.
Key words: Recipe website Vue query SSM MySQL
目 录
本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(设计) II
题目:菜谱网站管理系统设计与实现 II
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
第一章 引 言 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 目的及意义 1
1.3系统设计思想 1
第二章 相关技术 3
2.1 B/S体系结构 3
2.2 JAVA技术 4
2.3 MYSQL数据库 4
第三章 需求分析 5
3.1 可行性分析 5
3.1.1经济上的可行性 5
3.1.2技术上的可行性 5
3.1.3操作上的可行性 5
3.2功能需求分析 5
3.3 数据流程图 6
3.4 业务流程分析 8
3.5数据字典 9
第四章 网站总体设计 11
4.1 网站功能描述 11
4.2系统功能结构图 11
4.3系统目标 12
4.4数据库设计 12
4.4.1数据库概念结构设计 12
4.4.2逻辑数据库设计 14
第五章 系统详细设计 16
5.1手机前端首页实现 16
5. 2菜谱分类功能实现 16
5. 3用户注册模块设计 17
5.4订购模块设计 19
5. 5后台管理模块设计 20
4. 6菜谱管理模块设计 22
第六章 系统测试 23
6.1 测试目的 23
6.2 测试方法 23
6.3 测试结果 24
结 论 25
致 谢 26
参考文献 27